The show-type Cocker Spaniel is the breed generally seen in the show rings with long furnishings and is bred to conform to The Kennel Club’s breed standard. Being of medium size, adaptable to many environments, merry and sturdy.
Show Cocker Spaniels have rounder faces, shorter muzzles, and longer ears than the working line Cocker. The Show Cocker Spaniel only requires up to 1 hour of exercise per day and are generally calmer than the highly wired working line.
The qualities to make a good Show Cocker Spaniel are: sound temperament, intelligence, happy bustling movement, long silky coat with feathering, biddable nature and pleasing to the eye of the beholder.
Show-type dogs can happily fulfil active roles working as PAT (Pets as Therapy) Dogs and assistance dogs such as Hearing Dogs for the Deaf.