Cat and Dog Ultrasound Scanning
If your pet is pregnant or you suspect that she could be, we can perform a completely painless ultrasound scan on your dog or cat’s abdomen determine pregnancy.
Our equipment is portable and as such if you are unable to bring your pet to me, I am happy to come out to your home so that the procedure can be carried out in familiar surroundings which will help to reduce the stress on the animal.
Scanning is £25 plus fuel if I travel to your home.
Ultrasound Scanning Qualifications
Julie Kirby: Level 1 & 2 in Ultrasound Scanning
I have a Scan Pad Ultrasound scanner to confirm pregnancy and any photos can be emailed of any pups seen.
I am insured to carry out an examination, but although I can scan a dog for pregnancy, I am not able to diagnose anything else. If I see anything unusual that requires a vet opinion, I will advise you to do so.